Litecoin testnet transaction 0b8e7d1b0d9549ccd3a059bbcc9646c8cdca9328a5cff9eec102f90d2129bcd9
Time | 2022-03-06 16:10:26 UTC
3years 15days ago
Block | 2236529 [1] |
Type | segwit |
Confirmations | 1 428 137 |
Confirmation time | less then minute |
Size / base size | 293 / 184 bytes |
Virtual size / weight | 212 / 845 |
Witness |
ba94fc2b1d813c95c4edcd8815f9fa3bbef33688db3c76b105d500433b0530f7 |
Version | 2 |
Lock time | 2 236 528 |
Fee | 0.00021200tLTC |
Fee rate | 100 satoshi/vByte |
Data text | tt2name of the token 2urlofthetoken.comSomedata/ |
Data hex | 7474003202006e616d65206f662074686520746f6b656e20320075726c6f66746865746f6b656e2e636f6d00536f6d65646174610080c2d72f00 |
Raw transaction |
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