Litecoin testnet transaction 14cec10cc035121665723044410b3640e2c3a630a8906d98e7b3e9dfca8eb990
Time | 2020-01-07 09:30:33 UTC
5years 2months ago
Block | 1315008 [1] |
Type | legacy |
Confirmations | 2 322 460 |
Confirmation time | less then minute |
Size / base size | 258 / 258 bytes |
Virtual size / weight | 258 / 1032 |
Hash |
14cec10cc035121665723044410b3640e2c3a630a8906d98e7b3e9dfca8eb990 |
Version | 2 |
Lock time | 0 |
Fee | 0.00025620tLTC |
Fee rate | 99.29 satoshi/vByte |
Data text | i7 to i6 -4 to 84-scan-1 |
Data hex | 693720746f206936202d3420746f2038342d7363616e2d31 |
Raw transaction |
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